Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A post in 5 minutes.

I finally finished recording the piano version. It's so hard to compose a song, play and record it. NAH. I shouldn't dislike Jay Chou. Finally my job was over. After much huffing and puffing I finally done my part. Well, I like playing piano, but it doesn't mean that I can compose a song and record it. I tried to play the pieces, left and right hand separately. And it doesn't work. But hey, it isn't my assignment after all. I seem like a nice bloke yea? HAHA.

I was late to school this morning. School starts at 8.30am and I woke up at 8.15am. It was the first time I did such a stupid thing. If I am with my mom, she will 'bang' on the door until I wake up. Last year, I was still sleeping at 6.15am.(used to wake up at 5.30am) My mom kicked the door until I got off the bed. Isn't that cool?

Icy air that was cold beyond belief. I was shivering on the way home just now. It was raining. Block exams starts next week. Imma supposed to be doing my chemistry prac exams today but the teacher was absent. Handed in my biology draft and thanks to Cindy Sim.(I'm showing my gratitude.) Got my Maths C assignment result and yayy I got an A. I should start to work on my english spoken task which is due on this Friday.

Sounds like I will be very busy for the following weeks. The thought of having exams again appalls me.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


I love eating, as what I've said in my previous post. My parents said I like to eat since young. I could drink 8 bottles of milk when I was only 2 years old. I cried when others' food were served and mine weren't. I shouted if I wasn't given any food that I demanded. How cool I was?
I think I'm cute in my own way. LOL

And now I'm still loving food. Australian food cooked by my guardian are nice. I'll take photos of them next time.
So this post is about the snacks. Hehehe

 Roasted Garlic and Parmesan Crackers. I love it. It's the new flavor I think.

 YAYYY. Tim Tam. Wafers coated with thick creamy chocolate.
I love the dark chocolate mint flavor. 

 The best sauce for tasteless food. -.- Hot and spicy.
My guardian bought it from the Korean supermarket.

 Mango Sorbet!!! The best dessert during summer but not winter time. HAHA

 nut bar? Isn't that nice but it saves me when I can't find any food.

 Oysters. My favourite.

I am dead tired now. My Saturday isn't as good as what i've expected. But hrmm. Everything went smoothly. After studying at the State Library, I went to the city with my friend. We should walk there to save the $1.33 bus fare, but because of her foot sore, we ended up with getting on the bus.
And we bought this~ Girls like chocolate. I prefer dark chocolate because it's bitter. :) White chocolate is too sweet. Darrell Lea's chocolate. 

They are handmade! :)
 Pretty expensive. $1.99 for one.

Extravagent indulgence. I should stop eating.
I must.

Whatever. Tomorrow will be another tiring day. Gonna go to the state library to practise piano. I'm not doing Music because of the assignment. Composing songs, writing your own lyrics and of course, you are the singer of that song. Lucky that I'm not the music student. I love playing piano but not composing songs. Sorry I dont have the talent. However, I need to help my friend for her assignment. I'm going insane.


Friday, May 27, 2011


YAYYY. It is friday night. FRIDAY! It doesn't mean that i'll have two days holidays, it means that I still have 26 days to go, to be back with my family! :D
I chatted with my mom on msn last night.

"Saya mahu balik rumahlah!"  [sometimes i use to chat with my mom using malay.. *my mom isn't malay anyway.]
"why always say want come home? still have 5 years to go leh."
"......" speechless.
"mahu minum susu kah? how old are you?"
A sense of humor.

I found a nasty surprise, about myself. I can actually make myself pancakes without recipe. **DANG. Well, Angel and I made pancakes for dinner tonight, after swimming for an hour we were starving. There was only lambs fry, that is lamb liver. EWW. I have no idea why lamb liver can be called as lamb fry. A trick? I almost ate it when my guardian served it and told that it was lamb fry. After my first bite, OMG. It was liver. I use to eat pig liver ONLY. Never try to ask me to eat chicken liver, beef liver or lamb liver.

Yeah, we made them without recipes. We just 'agak-agak' lah.
8 tablespoons of wholemeal wheat flour
3 eggs
Low fat milk(full cream milk will make the pancakes nicer i suppose)
1 teaspoon of Olive Oil Butter
3 packets of 15g sugar
cottage cheese and parmesan cheese(optional)

 Olive Grove Oil, eggs, low fat milk, sugar, cottage cheese, parmesan cheese

The packets of sugar. Got them from Treasury Casino and Hotel. They are low calories
But I somehow don't believe it. LOL

 wholemeal wheat flour. It smells nice! 

 I like eggs. yep eggs for breakfast tomorrow. 

 Adding milk. We were really 'agak-agak' the volume that we need. 
We agreed that we should use only milk to mix the batter so that the pancakes will be fluffy. So we didn't use any water as ingredients.

And this is the batter! There were numerous small lumps but don't care lah!
We're starving.

Start cooking! Seriously it was my first time making pancakes. 
Melt the olive grove oil in the frying pan. Don't use butter it will make your pancake turns into charcoal. ><" Maybe it's my problem, shouldn't blame the butter. HAAH.

 Too much oil.

 When the surface becomes like this, prepare to flip it over! 
Jeffrey Huang aka Moron said this looks like spongebob.

This was the failure. Our second pancake.

Success! Well, this was our last pancake. -.-

Serve with Boysenberry Jam. YUMM.

That's it. I love cooking. I love eating. I love gaining calories and lipids.
This reminds me of my nickname, Doraclaremon created by PYS. Such a pabo. LOL

Translink service. A change is coming on 6 June. New timetable will be introduced and fix fares will be changed. Fix fare for a fair go. Fixed fare is the amount charged to your go card if you don't touch off at the end of your trip. It is $2.50 for concession cards.

Everything is changing. 


Monday, May 23, 2011

I went to the beach yesterday. Had our dinner over there, fish and salad. The salad was great. Thank god they didn't order fish and chips for me. UHHH. NO CHIPS PLEASE.

My sister made egg tarts yesterday and took photos of them and posted them on facebook! Well, the looking aren't so good, but I think they taste nice.. I gonna make it soon.

I think my sister has the potential to be a baker. LOL. I will be so free if she lives with me, probably next year? Egg tarts and my favourite spaghetti. She can settle my meals.

I wish my brother can grow 'fatter' -.- 

It is Week 5. Can you imagine how fast it is? After 30 days i gonna meet with my family and celebrate my birthday. I can't wait for the day to come. And of course the day i back to Miri. 
Sounds like everything's happening. Cool. Jiayou guys!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

昨天交上maths B报告后本小姐的心情实在是无法形容。感觉就像身上少了一块肉,但是这块肉掉得合时。
下个星期还有physics,外加一个english presentation。说真的,我从form 1开始最讨厌的就是oral test了,偏偏又来一个presentation,而且不是普通的2分钟就可以结束了,而是5分钟!!!嗯豁出去了。


Laksa! I want Mdm Wee's laksa. This gonna be the first meal when I reach Miri.

And this! Grandma used to make these. They are really nice. My mom said it's foo-chow's food.

kueh chap. >.< Where's the egg?!

刚看完了49天的ep 19,天哪,女主角到最后还是死了。
感想迟些写;stressed out. *poooooffffffffffff!**

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spot them!

Yuhooo. I went swimming with Angel last night. My homestay was shocked. Well, the weather wasn't that cold last night. But we're shivering when we got out from the pool. Yeh, 15 degree Celsius i reckoned. By the way, the lifeguard said it is a heated pool. When I went down to the pool, ah, okay, this is what you said- 'heated' pool? tsk tsk tskkk. It costs me $4.50 for a swim. >.<

And I am dead tired today, even though I had a 12 hours sleep.

Spot my car? xD Friends have been asking me whether I'm going back in June. Well, it depends. Driving law test and the IELTS test. I gonna be so busy if I go back. If not, I may go traveling with my family. Or just, stay at home.

I put this on my schoolbag and obviously it can catch attention. It's a lovely present from Jin Ming and Teck Yew. :D Spot my W610i phone? It was my first mobile phone. Mom bought me another new phone last year and this phone is with my sis now. I wanna take it back because I love it lots. >< Especially the tiny keypads. x)

A joke from facebook. I love digi so much as it promotes the 0.facebook.com. Guess what? I'm still keeping my digi number, the super sms package. Someone asked me to sell HAHAHA, yeh i know super sms is really a nice package for those who always text. That's why I wanna keep it! Remind me, reload every 3 months. xD

Angel and I are doing something secretly. HAHAHA. We're looking forward to the day before holiday. Having lunch at Jojo's restaurant and dinner at the Korean cuisine. That's our deal. Gambateh. :)

Definitely this, Salmon Fettuccini!

Have a nice weekend. Those in Miri, jiayou!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A random post.

Talking about the weather again. -.- I think it's really a big problem for me. Last night was cold. COLD! I wore 1 jumper plus 1 long sleeves shirt plus my cotton pyjamas but I was still shivering. I didn't sleep well last night and I even hid myself under the blanket, despite I'll lack of oxygen.

Maybe the temperature is still okay, the problem is, the wind. I had been hiding behind my friends for the whole day as they can at least block the wind for me. AHHAHA. Friend in need is a friend indeed. :)

I received a certificate from my high school this morning! XD The first certificate I got here! LOL it's half of the A4 paper.

Friends in Miri are going to sit for their first semester exams. Not SPM trial one right? Two weeks exams seem to be normal because SPM takes the whole month. ><" I used to drink coffee during exams period last year and to keep me awake throughout the night, I used ice. I wrapped the ice in a towel and wiped my face. LOL Somehow it didn't work. =.=

Anyway, Good Luck Friends! :D All the best. :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


看见范范幸福的眼泪吗?看得我流泪了。 :)


Sunday, May 8, 2011

i'm happy+Happy Mom's Day!







某人竟然take it serious.




Friday, May 6, 2011


冷吗?凌晨1点我好冷. 天气预报说今天最低温度是10度,就是现在吧。冷得手指僵硬了起来。

那一头朋友说我的华语怎么变得怪怪的,是呀,不是标准的马来西亚华人口音了,需要时间更正,毕竟在这儿,我说sien, kanasai, walao都是外星语。


Thursday, May 5, 2011

The late night post

Yep, the late night post. It is 1.07 AM now. I'm still awake, doing my physics assignment. I thought it will just be a 5000 words essay, but i was wrong. It is a practical report with lots of figures and explanation. (That's why it's 5000 words!) Will it be possible to ask you to write a 5000 words essay based on one topic? aiyaa, I should have realized it earlier!
And the due date is next friday. What to do? Burn the midnight oil la... To complete the assignment, I start to use PAINT to draw something. The print screen button is really useful. PAINT used to be my childhood computer 'games' LOL. and now i found that I don't really know how to use it. Anyway, practice makes prefect.

I almost done my Maths C assignments. Well, I think it will be a waste of paper. My MAPS question is about 40 pages. ><" sorry la earth. There are not much words in my task anyway, it's the matrices that occupy spaces. Forgive me please. :D

English assignments draft due, next Friday. We are about to write about the film and the novel. Compare and contrast. Answer the question. It is like the NOVEL part of PMR english paper. The boring story always begins with "Based on the novel 'Robinson Crusoe/Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde', written by... bla blablaaa." It's a funny thing, isn't it? We can't use other format as the introduction as teacher said it is a safe way to score in PMR. (Well, im talking about PMR, not my assignment now)

My hands are freezing cold now.

Biology assignments due the Tuesday after next week. I did some research and had some ideas on it. Just leave it until next week. Yep, I'm always the last-minute-person. Get used to it! Talking about Maths B assignments, draft due next Friday.

My brain gonna explode soon.

Black hair owner=my second sister. (  I bet you can't find it. LOL)
But, it's lucky that I only have three subjects for Block exams. Sometimes I really think that I rather sit for SPM, at least I'm still there. There, my hometown. Homesick? Yes, i am.
And, you guys.

Our last big gathering in 2010.

Monday, May 2, 2011


呀呀呀我回来了。 最近很少上FB了吗?怎么都说我消失匿迹了?说真的,是比较少上FB了,因为越来越闷;就算上了为了避不必要的麻烦也appear offline。

一个term的假期完了,上星期也就读了三天的书,现在又休息三天,这holiday mood生根了。只要享受人生,每一天都在过着假期般的生活。:)
对的!49天,唯一一套我没fast forward看的韩国电视剧,本人是觉得蛮特别的,比起历年来韩剧平平无奇的故事大纲,这套剧算是蛮特别的了...
故事大纲:申智贤在订婚之后,因为发现了让她害怕、惶恐、惊讶的丑陋真相,不专心驾驶而发生了车祸; 灵魂离开了身体,本以为自己死了,却被时间管理者(说得不好听点儿是:死神)告知说若在49天以内找到三滴真心的眼泪方可回到自己的身体,继续活下去。但前提是必须寄予别人的肉身,用别人的相貌去取得对自己真心的眼泪,眼泪必须是从三个不同的人得来。


我开始同情他了;呃应该说,我从一开始就没那么憎恨他. -.-

韩江(我还是喜欢叫他han kang, in korean tone!)我从很多年前就欣赏他(真名为赵显宰)了,看过《威尼斯恋人》的朋友应该知道他吧?还有《三个爸爸一个妈》他演的角色特别搞笑。之后他去当兵了,直到退伍后,第一套电视剧就是49天。也许这也是我追这套剧的原动力。呵呵。


说得太多了-.-自己去看!再过两个星期就大结局了。i can't wait to watch the last ep.


这个呀,说明我们不能活得太单纯,也不能不单纯。 人生就是一场矛盾与矛盾、胜负不会见分晓的交战。